Member Benefits

As a member of the Belgian Korean Business Forum (BKBF), you will become part of a network composed of Belgians, Koreans, and also a broader business community. Moreover, you will also meet various people from different backgrounds during our events and the events organized by our partners and members.
Cultural events
Through our cultural events, we strive to bring people together: From Saint-Nicolas to Seoul Friendship Festival and typical Belgian dinners, we aim to bring a little bit of Belgium here, in Seoul.
Business events
Open a new door and extend your business network in South Korea. Get the opportunity to meet with the business community and learn the best business practices in South Korea and in Belgium.
BLCC Collective in Asia
The BLCC Collective in Asia is a collective of Belgian and Luxembourg chambers of commerce in Asia that aims to connect their respective members together and create a large network of companies and business people.
As a member of the Belgian Korean Business Forum (BKBF), you directly have access to that network and its advantages.

Other benefits
We continuously support our members to the best of our abilities. Apart from the networking activities we offer, we also offer our members a certain degree of exposure on our social media. Furthemore, we are currently trying to find the best deals and opportunities for each of our members.
By becoming a member, you will:
- Be part of a large network in South Korea and in Asia.
- Gain access to events, webinars, and seminars organized by the BKBF or/and our partners.
- Promote your events and business activities to the BKBF members.
- Be promoted on our social networks (Linkedin & Facebook) and in our Newsletters.
* Note that not every member is eligible for online promotion. The BKBF and its Committee retain the right to decide what members are eligible or not for it.