[Online Webinar] Investing in a Sustainable Future – BIO Invest

The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, together with the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries, are pleased to invite you to an online webinar on the topic of "Investing in a Sustainable Future." The webinar, which is hosted at 5 PM (Korean time) on March 11th, will be held on Zoom and will see...


Expo 2020 Dubai – Organising an International Event during a Pandemic

Zoom (please see details in registration info)

On 23 March, the BeLux Chambers in Asia Collective presents its next High Caliber Speaker web talk. This time featuring two speakers providing our guests' insights into how one goes about postponing an enormous event like the Dubai Expo 2020! The Directors of the Belgian & Luxembourg Pavilions Myriam Cops (BE) and Daniel Sahr (LUX)...


[WEBINAR] How Humanitarian Assistance and Development Cooperation can Formulate an Answer to Pandemics: A Case Study from Africa

Zoom (please see details in registration info)

On April 6th, the Embassy of Belgium in South Korea will organize an online webinar discussion titled: “How Humanitarian Assistance and Development Cooperation can Formulate an Answer to Pandemics: A Case Study from Africa.” In this event, panelists from South Korea and Belgium will discuss the lessons we can learn from the pandemic and future...


[WEBINAR] It’s a new world – Economic outlook

On April 12th, our colleagues and friends from the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan will organize a webinar on the global economy. Mr. Koen De Leus, Chief Economist at BNP Paribas Fortis (Belgium), will share his insights on the global economy two years into the corona crisis and with the war going on in Ukraine....


[EVENT] Easter day with the Hamel Club Korea

Parking lot of Yongsan family park 서울 용산구 서빙고로 137 국립중앙박물관, 서울

On April 17th, our friends and partners from the Hamel Club Korea will organize an event in the spirit of Easter. During this event, which is scheduled to start at 11 AM, various games and activities, such as eggs hunting, will take place, giving the opportunity to both adults and children to start spring with...


[EVENT] After-work drink at Casa Corona

Casa Corona Seoul Rooftop Bar & Lounge 127-15 Itaewon 1(il)-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

As the social distancing measures are being slightly eased, join us for an after-work drink on Wednesday, April 20, from 7 PM. This will be a great opportunity for the Belgian community in South Korea, and our friends, to come together and welcome our new members. This time, and to mark the occasion, we have...


[DISCUSSIONS] Panel Series Discussions

Zoom (please see details in registration info)

From April 21 to June 14, the Embassy of Belgium in Korea will organize a series of panel discussions around themes to create an opportunity for Belgian and Korean organizations to come into contact with each other. Through this series of events, the Embassy of Belgium in Korea wishes to highlight the Belgian and Korean...


Pfizer’s Pandemic Breakthrough with Mr. Karel Van De Sompel

Zoom (please see details in registration info)

On April 27, the BeLux Chambers in Asia Collective will organize its next high-caliber speaker event with Mr. Karel Van De Sompel, Country Manager and Managing Director of Pfizer Belgium and Luxembourg (Pfizer Biopharmaceuticals Group). In this event, we will get to dive into the insights of Mr. Van De Sompel and his team in...


[EVENT] After-work drink with the Flemish delegation of Start2Export2 Korea

Baby Guiness Itaewon 2F@Baby Guiness Bar, 119-17 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Mark the date! On May 10, the Belgian Korean Business Forum, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) Seoul, and Voka will organize an after-work drink with Flemish visiting companies. Come join us to meet with the Belgian business community in Korea and visiting Flemish companies over a beer and delicious food. You also will have the opportunity to...


Digital Analytic Association Welcome

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