
Bekaert is a global company that specializes in steel wire transformation and coating technologies. Founded in Belgium in 1880, Bekaert now operates in over 30 countries worldwide, including South Korea. In South Korea, Bekaert has been active since the 1970s and operates several manufacturing facilities throughout the country. Bekaert’s activities in South Korea primarily focus on the production of steel wire products used in various industries, including automotive, construction, energy, and agriculture.

Bekaert’s products and solutions include wire for tires, hoses, and cables, as well as steel cord and reinforcement products for the construction and energy sectors. Bekaert’s advanced technologies and expertise in steel wire transformation allow the company to develop innovative solutions that meet the specific needs of its customers around the world.

You can read more about Bekaert on their website. You can also have a quick peek at their latest activities on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Categories: Belgian company

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