Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) in South Korea

The Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) was established in 1998 as a Public Interest Organisation in Wallonia. It provides comprehensive support to Walloon companies seeking to expand overseas and serves as a one-stop for foreign companies interested in establishing or growing their operations in Wallonia.

While the offices located abroad represent Wallonia internationally, their main role is to facilitate the international development of companies. This includes providing information and monitoring of foreign countries, producing market studies, assisting with prospecting during collective or individual missions (supervised by AWEX), and offering on-the-ground support with logistics, language, legal, and financial investigations, among other services.

You can contact the Counselor for Trade and Investment of the AWEX through the Embassy of Belgium in Seoul or directly via email (seoul@awex-wallonia.com).

Membership Level: Goverment Partner

Categories: Strategic Partners

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